Every once in a while an opportunity comes along that makes you stop, wait, and reassess life.
Today is one of those days.
After moonlighting as serial fanposter on other BC-related websites, I am taking my talents to Pypeline.co (not “.com” big difference folks, trust me and don’t go that route like I did when investigating). Considering the following that the boys over at 4thandDude have cultivated, I fully expect to be welcomed with open arms, tons of clicks, and the fame and fortune that comes with them.
I’m a 2013 BC grad along with the Dudes, though I stuck around to get another piece of paper. Right alongside them I had a literal front row seat to the fleeting joy then unmitigated misery of the Spaz years, then moved over a section and up a few rows to watch the fledgling Dudes rise to the prominence of today.
I will try (and fail) to be as funny as the Dudes, but I’m not trying to steal their thunder. What I will try to do is provide some BC content that’s different than what you can get elsewhere.
Boston College was my life when I attended. It’s still an important part of my life now. I’m hoping that I can share some of that experience with all of you.
For a direct follow, I can be reached on Twitter: @ForBlogston. Feel free to send all hot takes, info, and hatred there.